Lorenzo Landini has written songs since he was 15, and when he moved to New York City in 2009, he thought it was the beginning of his professional career as a lyricist, guitarist, and singer-songwriter. Then he took an acting class. Well, 12 years, a global pandemic, and the tragic death of his mother later, he’s actually making music, after being almost physically compelled to take his songwriting seriously again as an outlet for his grief.

A classically trained stage actor who has performed in over a dozen Shakespeare productions across stages in 5 states, "the amazing Lorenzo Landini" carries a subtle sense of humor and a wordy lyricism into his raw and authentic songwriting, with literary gestures punctuating a vulnerable style. His mild-mannered alter ego lives in Washington Heights with his loving partner and pampered cat. He is a company member with Epic Theatre Ensemble and a CUNY Creative Arts Team teaching artist. You can follow his acting work at lrnzwhileacting.com